

Karnataka Premier League (KPL2017) – Sixth Season of the KPLT20 will be starting from 1st Sep – 23rd Sep 2017. Total 7 teams will participate in this league Namma Shivamogga, Belagavi Panthers, Mysuru Warriors, Bijapur Bulls, Bellary Tuskers, Hubli Tigers, and the new team Kalyani Bengaluru Blasters will join this season. Total 24 matches will be played, including semi final & final. We have predicted past seasons of KPL with more than 90% accuracy for details you can check our past KPL result here.

Below you can find the schedule of KPL 2017.

1st Match Hubli Tigers vs Belagavi Panthers Sep 01, Fri Bengaluru
2nd Match Bengaluru Blasters vs Mysuru Warriors Sep 02, Sat Bengaluru
3rd Match Mysuru Warriors vs Bijapur Bulls Sep 04, Mon Mysore
4th Match Namma Shivamogga vs Bellary Tuskers Sep 05, Tue Mysore
5th Match Bengaluru Blasters vs Hubli Tigers Sep 06, Wed Mysore
6th Match Namma Shivamogga vs Bijapur Bulls Sep 07, Thu Mysore
7th Match Belagavi Panthers vs Bengaluru Blasters Sep 08, Fri Mysore
8th Match Hubli Tigers vs Namma Shivamogga Sep 08, Fri Mysore
9th Match Bellary Tuskers vs Bijapur Bulls Sep 09, Sat Mysore
10th Match Mysuru Warriors vs Belagavi Panthers Sep 09, Sat Mysore
11th Match Bijapur Bulls vs Hubli Tigers Sep 10, Sun Mysore
12th Match Mysuru Warriors vs Bellary Tuskers Sep 10, Sun Mysore
13th Match Bengaluru Blasters vs Namma Shivamogga Sep 11, Mon Mysore
14th Match Belagavi Panthers vs Bellary Tuskers Sep 12, Tue Mysore
15th Match Hubli Tigers vs Mysuru Warriors Sep 14, Thu Hubli
16th Match Bijapur Bulls vs Bengaluru Blasters Sep 15, Fri Hubli
17th Match Belagavi Panthers vs Namma Shivamogga Sep 16, Sat Hubli
18th Match Bengaluru Blasters vs Bellary Tuskers Sep 16, Sat Hubli
19th Match Belagavi Panthers vs Bijapur Bulls Sep 18, Mon Hubli
20th Match Namma Shivamogga vs Mysuru Warriors Sep 19, Tue Hubli
21st Match Hubli Tigers vs Bellary Tuskers Sep 19, Tue Hubli
1st Semi-Final TBC vs TBC Sep 20, Wed Hubli
2nd Semi-Final TBC vs TBC Sep 22, Fri Hubli
Final TBC vs TBC Sep 23, Sat Hubli

KPLT20 2017 Predictions Accuracy Overview: 

Karnataka Premier League (KPL 2017) – 3rd T20 Mysuru Warriors (MW) won as per our 1st JACKPOT Prediction.

Karnataka Premier League (KPL 2017) – 9th T20 Bijapur Bulls (BB) won as per our 2nd JACKPOT Prediction.

Karnataka Premier League (KPL 2017) – 20th T20 Namma Shivamogga (NS) won as per our 3rd JACKPOT Prediction.

Karnataka Premier League (KPL 2017) – 1st Semi Final Belagavi Panthers (BP) won as per our 4th JACKPOT Prediction.

Karnataka Premier League (KPL 2017) – 2nd Semi Final Bijapur Bulls (BB) won as per our astro power prediction.

Belagavi Panthers (BP) won Karnataka Premiere League (KPL 2017) Final as per our astro power prediction.

Karnataka Premier League (KPL 2017) Accuracy – 

24 out of 22 Correct Match Predictions.
24 out of 20 Correct Toss Predictions.

Match Accuracy – 92 % , Toss Accuracy – 83 % , JACKPOT – 4

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