In Vedic astrology has an excellent method of compatibilty based on Constellations (Nakshatra), which is called Match making. It is also known as ASHTAKOOT MILAN OR GUN MILAN. For checking the compatibility Maximum points are 36.

These points predict the important factors of life such as VARNA, VASYA, TARA, MAITRI, YONI, GANA, BHAKOOT, NADI (Career, dominance, destiny, compatibility, Mentality, Gun level, Love, Health) and compatibility between the couple. The more points obtained, more the successful married life will be indicated. If a matching obtains less than 18 points, it is not considered good and marriage should be avoided.

 Apart from the points, MANGALIK DOSH also should be taken into consideration. One more important factor, I have seen many astrologers do not consider Navmansh Chart but it is very important only after analyzing Navmansh final decisions should be made because it is helpful to calculate overall married life including mental compatibility of couples. It’s also helps to predict delay in marriage and time of marriage.

Sometimes fewhoroscope does not match with each other still parents force to marriage with the same girl or boy due to their status or any reason. But it is not a good option because if you do so it is quite possible the marriage will not be long lasting or the boy/girl will remain unhappy due to health, finance or any major aspect of life.

To avoid such condition, one should always check matchmaking report for their compatibility of charts before marriage and then only make the final decision.

Also for happy married life simple remedies are given in LALKITAB. If one perform the remedies then definitely can lead a happy and long lasting marriage. Remedies should be performed by girl/parents before or after marriage if it required for any horoscope.  

To order matchmaking report please send us the details of Girl & boy includes Date of birth, Birth time, Place of Birth, Gender, etc.

To order complete match- making report email us.

Lets’s discuss if you need the support.


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