CPLT20 2014 Cricket Predictions report by ASTROKEY


CPLT20 2014 Cricket Predictions report by ASTROKEY 

ASTROKEY official report for CPLT20 (2014) SERIES Accuracy for toss and cricket match predictions.

Astrokey cricket analyzer report 11-07-2014 to 16-08-2014 – CPLT20(2014)
1st match: GAW v AH T20 at St.George – July 11, 2014 Correct Correct
2nd match: TTR v BT at St.George – July 12, 2014 Correct Correct
3rd match:  STZ v JT at St.George – July 12, 2014 Correct Correct
4th match: AH v JT at North Sound -July 17, 2014 Wrong Correct
5th match: GAW v TTR at Providence – July 17, 2014 Wrong Correct
6th match: AH v BT at North Sound -Jul 19, 2014 Correct Correct
7th match: GAW v STZ T20 at Providence – Jul 19, 2014 Wrong Correct
8th match: AH v TTR at North Sound – Jul 20, 2014 Correct Correct
9th match: GAW v JT T20 at Providence – Jul 20, 2014 Correct Wrong
10th match: BT v STZ at Bridgetown – Jul 23, 2014 Correct Correct
11th match: TTR v GAW at Port of Spain-Jul 24, 2014 Correct Correct
12th match: BT v AH at Bridgetown – Jul 26, 2014 Correct Correct
13th match: TTR v JT at Port of Spain – Jul 26, 2014 Correct Correct
14th match: BT v GAW at Bridgetown – Jul 26, 2014 Correct Correct
15th match: TTR v STZ at Port of Spain – Jul 27, 2014 Wrong Correct
16th match: JT v AH at Kingston – Jul 31, 2014 Correct Correct
17th match: STZ v BT at Gros Islet – Jul 31, 2014 Correct Correct
18th match: JT v GAW at Kingston  – Aug 2, 2014 Correct Correct
19th match: STZ v TTR at Gros Islet – Aug 2, 2014 Correct Correct
20th match: JT v BT at Kingston – Aug 3, 2014 Correct Correct
21st match: STZ v AH at Gros Islet  – Aug 3, 2014 Correct Correct
22nd match: GAW v AH at Basseterre – Aug 7, 2014 Wrong Correct
23rd match: TTR v BT at Basseterre -Aug 7, 2014 Correct Correct
24th match: JT v STZ at Basseterre -Aug 9, 2014 Correct Wrong
25th match: AH v TTR at Basseterre -Aug 9, 2014 Correct Correct
26th match: GAW v STZ at Basseterre -Aug 10, 2014 Correct Correct
27th match: BT v JT at Basseterre -Aug 10, 2014 Correct Wrong
1ST SEMI FINAL JT VS TTR at Basseterre -Aug 13, 2014 Correct Wrong
2ND SEMI FINAL GAW vs JT at Bassetere – Aug 14, 2014 Correct Correct
FINAL – GAW Vs BT at Basseterre -Aug 16, 2014 Correct JACKPOT

Report generated on 17.08.2014 by ASTROKEY 

30 out of 26 Correct Match Predictions & 30 out of 25 Correct Toss Predictions.

CPLT20 2014 Cricket Predictions Accuracy for series – 87% & Toss Predictions – 84%

 CPLT20 JACKPOT- FINAL PREDICTION (As per our astrolgoy analysis BARBADOS TRIDENTS – BT won CPL2014)

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