Trademark Notice

Trademark Notice

The materials available through this website and other websites owned or provided by Astrokey(individually and collectively, the “Website”) are the property of Astrokey or its licensors, and are protected by copyright, trademark and other intellectual property laws. You may view, copy and print pages from the Website only (1) for personal use, provided that you maintain
all copyright, trademark, and other proprietary rights or notices, (2) as a personal shopping resource, (3) for communicating with Astrokey about a company product or service, or (4) for placing an order with Astrokey.
You may not otherwise use, reproduce, download, store, post, broadcast, transmit, modify, sell or make available to the public content from the Website without the prior written approval of Astrokey owner.


ASTROKEY, the logo, and other trademarks,Wordmark,Taglines are trademarks of Astrokey and may not be used without permission.

ASTROKEY and the Logo are registered in the India. Astrokey and related marks, images, symbols are the exclusive properties and registered trademarks of ASTROKEY INFO – used by written permission.

Usage Guidelines:

  • Ownership Assertion
    Do not assert rights over any Astrokey Marks and do not seek to obtain trademark protection for any Astrokey Marks or variations thereof.
  • Do not incorporate a Astrokey Mark or variations thereof into your own product or service names, trademarks, logos, social media handles, or company names.
  • Do not use the Astrokey Marks in domain names and do not register for domains that include a Astrokey Mark or variations thereof.

Trademarks are Singular Adjectives, Not Verbs and Should Not be Made Possessive

Use the Astrokey Marks only as adjectives followed by the appropriate generic product or service noun describing the relevant product or service. Examples of appropriate generic terms include: service, software, platform, technology, or application (e.g., “the Astrokey® Astrology services” or “the Astrokey®  Predictions is excellent”). The Astrokey Marks should not be used in plural or possessive form or as verbs.

Registered Mark, WORDMARK, TAGLINES and logo


astrokey img

mob icon astrokey

Astrokey img

Registered Wordmark – ASTROKEY


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